Friday, February 20, 2009


As life is wont to do, I have been pretty busy, and not keeping up with my own posting on our class blog. I shouldn't give you folks such a hard time. It's difficult to make time and be able to write something substantial on a blog every week! But some of you have been keeping up marvelously and I'm really enjoying your posts and the other bits and pieces of your lives as art educators that you've been sharing.

I very much enjoyed class this week again, and really was impressed with the variety of approaches you all took towards Project #3. I especially appreciated the variety of media that we got to see in your personal images, and the fact that so many of you took it as a chance to stretch your artistic legs out and make something!

Additionally our discussion was once again spirited and very enjoyable. You all have experiences at very different schools and to hear your perspectives on computers in the classroom was informative for me (and hopefully for you all as well). As we move ahead into other topics/issues, hopefully some of these early discussions will connect and provide a broader picture of technology in the arts and education. Please continue the discussions! Use the comments section or even our class message board on the portal. The conversation is only as strong as you make it.

Finally, on to Illustrator! I want to thank Meredith for taking on the daunting task of doing the workshop, and hopefully some of you all will take advantage of her additional workshop offer this week. I thought she did a great job and deserves a hearty round of virtual applause. If you all do have any questions, please feel free to contact either myself or Meredith.

Thanks folks, and I look forward to seeing all of you at the Children's Museum this thursday evening!

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